NOTE: Images that are saved as a JPG file using CMYK colors can't be used. Please resave the JPG file with RBG colors.
- Upload an image to the Upload Image field. Note: Max upload size is 10MB.
- Click on the corresponding image size you would like to upload an image for.
For those with the image preview feature, click on the up arrow. (see below)
- Select a crop area. The green window on the right will let you know when you have successfully cropped an image.
For those with the image preview feature, a new window will pop up (see below)
- You can crop banners using this functionality as well.
- Click save at the bottom of the screen to save the image(s) you cropped.
- If an image is particularly large, it may take a moment to process, you can still hit save and continue your work in the CMS.
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